I think this is utter crap.
obviously bullshit
(its pretty awesome that it shows the stupidity of some who believe it!)
there are alot of these 1-6 post counts on the forum lately
makes me wonder if its people from here trolling lol
the beautiful thing is you can put the fanboys in a total head spin downward spiral with pseudo intellectual posts
(just look at the thread discussing Tolle fag
....you want to get better with chicks who would you be better to study, Tolle or Motley fucking Crue?)
the sad thing is....they are probably going to spend more time and believe more shit
...when really they need to get there ass saved from that place
assuming for a second he's telling truth: seen the guy? seen the girl? he could look like brad pitt and she could look like the terd i just flushed.
what you don't see in real life, ESPECIALLY what you read on the internet, can be a fairy tale all the same.
that's not to say that such a pull is not possible. what he doesn't tell you is the 100 times he got rejected doing exactly the same thing.
play the numbers, sometimes you win. that's all there is to it.
2nd'ed. And good find Ratisse.
Any guy who has been with women will instantly feel that this interaction is "off". There is a very ...dunno how to explain it. Its not how things happen. Any guy who has been with women can tell u this. Not saying im a stud or anything like that. This is more like a "pua porno fantasy". Its wrong on so many levels. Someone must be trolling.
The sad thing thing though is that some of the users there have upto 800 posts, some like 200-300. Some of them have been there for at least 2 years, some more, some less. One has been there since 2006! ( 4 yrs ) and they believe that shit.
It goes to show that these guys are fucking in experienced. Its frightening that some of them think this is "real" and are encouraged by it.
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Welly welly well, what's all this then, ultravoilence is real horror show. Viddy me and my droogs go for a bit of the old in-out, in-out.
I think the guy is trolling just because it seems so disjointed.
Chekk 'dis out 4 da Same Day Lay'Z: